Contributing to carpentry lessons with GitHub


Set up your remote upstream and merge updates from there

  1. Fork the repo you want to work on.
  2. Clone that repo down, e.g., git clone
  3. So you can fetch changes from the originating repo, add remote reference there: git remote add upstream (you can see your remotes by git remote -v)
  4. Get changes from upstream: git fetch upstream
  5. Merge those changes locally: git merge upstream/gh-pages
  6. Repeat Number 4 & 5 above before you begin a new unit of work below to insure you have the latest base version of the lesson

Do work in a local branch and submit changes to the lesson repo

  1. Start with the latest version of the upstream lesson (see above)
  2. Create a branch for your improvements: git checkout -b new-lesson-improvement
  3. Install Jekyll if you want to preview your changes locally
  4. Run make serve to preview locally, typically at
  5. Once done with your work as you see fit, run git add, git commit, and then git push origin new-lesson-improvement up to your forked repository.
  6. Make a pull request from your repo in GitHub (this tells the upstream maintainers: hey, pull my improvement into the upstream repo)

Getting set up to improve lessons

After we taught Library Carpentry here at UCSD, we sat down and worked through the workflow for contributing to Carpentry lessons. Matt Critchlow, our IT Dev Manager, walked us through the document and I worked up the steps below from our meeting.

One of the confusing aspects on translating the common fork/pull-request development workflows is that most of the documentation found on the web is spelled out for master branches. This is because, by convention, the default branch when you initialize a repository in GitHub (or locally) is named master. However, with the Software/Data/Library Carpentry lessons the default branch is set to gh-pages. This is mainly for ease, because the web version of the lessons live in this branch and this is where Software Carpentry wants the work to go for contributions. Also, on GitHub, commits to this branch will be processed by Jekyll, a static site generator, making the nice lesson webpages we use in class. The main thing to know is that in Software Carpentry lesson land, when you see master in Git help or online documentation, you can mentally substitute it with gh-pages. Hopefully, this will help folks new to git contribute more to the lessons.

Update 2016-08-28: Corrected the Getting changes from the upstream default branch gh-pages section to remove using git status to check changes in the upstream remote as this won’t work! git fetch upstream is the right command to pull down any changes that may have been made.

Setup your fork and local clone

  1. Fork a lesson you want to contribute to, for instance, data-lessons/library-shell. Forking will create a linked copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone the library-shell project to your local machine (USERNAME - your GitHub user account name). Having a local copy allows us to edit locally using our favorite tool, create branches for discrete work and keep the local repository in synch with data-lessons/library-shell:

    $ git clone

    clone grabs the repository and makes a local copy. It will create the directory (named for the repository name by default) and sets up the linkages between your clone and the remote repository (called origin). Let’s confirm this by running git remote -v.

    $ cd library-shell
    $ git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
  1. Now configure the upstream remote. We are doing this because we want to be able to periodically grab – especially before we start our lesson improvements – new changes from the upstream repository’s (data-lessons/library-shell) gh-pages branch and merge those with our local gh-pages branch. To set an upstream remote let’s us do this:

    $ cd library-shell
    $ git remote add upstream
  2. Now, take a look at the remotes again and confirm you have an upstream fetch and push pair in addition to your origin ones:

    $ git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

Getting changes from the upstream default branch gh-pages

Before you begin your work on contributing to a lesson, you should always fetch and merge changes from the upstream repository. Why? Think about how many contributors are involved in working on some of the Carpentry lessons (hundreds). Imagine this: after you forked and cloned the data-lessons/library-shell repository, you take a break and go out for a coffee and sandwich. While you were away a contributor made a pull request and the lesson maintainer merged it into the lesson. Now you return from your break, make your lesson changes, commit, push and then find in GitHub your work conflicts with the upstream repository. Argh! You don’t want to deal with that after a nice coffee and sandwich. So, if you begin work without incorporating the latest approved version of the lesson there will be a greater chance for conflicts when you are ready to make the pull request. Further, maybe the change made while you were away fixes the same issue you had with the lesson. To avoid working on an outdated base document, always run get fetch and update you local repository before you start work.

  1. Let’s fetch the changes down. We do this by fetching changes from our upstream repository.

    $ git fetch upstream
    remote: Counting objects: 11, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    remote: Total 11 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (11/11), done.
      67d2478..db5039b  gh-pages   -> upstream/gh-pages
  2. Merge those changes into your gh-pages branch. Note, you are currently in your gh-pages branch and the following command will merge the fetched changes from upstream/gh-pages ‘here’.

    $ git merge upstream/gh-pages
    Updating 67d2478..db5039b
    _episodes/ | 22 +++++++++++-----------
    _includes/navbar.html       |  1 +               | 10 ++++++++++
    3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
    create mode 100644
  3. Now your git status should look like the below. Yay! We are now ready to work on the lesson.

    $ git status
    On branch gh-pages
    Your branch is up-to-date with 'upstream/gh-pages'.
    nothing to commit, working directory clean

Contributing to the lessons

Your are ready to make improvements to the lessons! To do this, we need to create a branch in which to add our changes. Think of branches as a unit of work that hangs together. So, if you are going to add an exercise in the loop episode in the shell lesson, this should hang together as a named branch, such as shell-loop-exercise-7.

  1. Create a branch for changes to the lesson:

    $ git checkout -b new-lesson-improvement

    git will create the new-lesson-improvement branch and switch you into it.

  2. Now, develop (work) on new-lesson-improvement and make the improvement or addition to the lesson. How do I know it looks ok? I mean this is webcontent and I want to see what it looks like. To do this we need to have Jekyll – the static site generator that GitHub uses to prepare and render our lessons – installed locally. Follow these instructions to install Jekyll. (You can safely skip step 4 “R Packages” most likely).

  3. Now, we can kick the tires and see what our work looks like locally, by going back to our terminal and running:

    $ make serve

    If it runs successfully, the output will contain a line that tells you where your server is running:

     Server address:

    Navigate to that url in your browser and you should see the lesson you are working on and your changes. You can continue to work on your changes and refresh to see the changes in the browser.

    But wait, why didn’t I use jekyll serve instead? That’s what the Jekyll documentation says. You could run jekyll serve and it would do the same thing. The template developers for Software Carpentry have created a make file that supports a number of command in addition to running a wrapper for jekyll serve. Go ahead and ctr-c to kill your server and type make by itself on the command line and you’ll see this:


    The make command contains a number of helpful commands for working with your lesson including lesson-check to validate markdown and clean-rmd to clean intermedicate R files.

  4. Once done with your work as you see fit, run git add, git commit, and then git push origin new-lesson-improvement up to your forked repository:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "adding loop challenge"
    $ git push origin new-lesson-improvement
  5. Now, you can perform the Pull Request on GitHub from your account’s forked repository of library-shell. Follow these steps.
  6. The maintainer of the lesson will review the changes (be patient!) and merge them into the upstream repository. They might also have questions for you and in this case, will comment on your request before the changes can be merged.
  7. Begin beautiful contributor-maintainer iteration here.


  1. Matt Critchlow @mcritchlow led us through the development workflow. Juliane Schneider @pitviper6, as a maintainer for the Open Refine lesson, also was a great resource for figuring out the carpentry workflow.
  2. Development workflow with Git: Fork, Branching, Commits, and Pull Request
  3. Configuring a remote for a fork
  4. Syncing a Fork